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Do you have a drum related question? Is there a drum question you always wanted to have an answer about? Have you felt like your drum question was not worthy of any ones time? Then ask The Drum Experts!

Well, we have the time and we want to help with your drum question! We must be forward in saying we can't know every single aspect of drumming. Then again, we do not claim to know everything related to drums. The fact is, that we have a drum forum with over 4,000 members and web sites filled with drum history to help us with your questions

So, if we do not know the answer, then we go to other experts in drumming and also do the research to get you the answer. So if you do have a drum question or a question about drumming, then please just ask it.

Here are some examples of how we can help:

1. You see a drum on eBay and want to verify what the drum is before buying it.

2. Your child is taking lessons and wants a drum set, what should you do?

3. What is a good beginners drum set?

4. What are the best heads for a specific musical style?

5. How big of a drum set should I buy?

6. Should I polish a vintage snare drum that I found in the attic?

7. What kind of drums should I get?

8. Are all cymbals the same?

9. You find an old drum at an estate sale and want to know if it is worth anything.

10. What Snare Drum Kit should I buy?


- The Drum Experts

Company names and logos are copyright their respective owners
The Drum Experts is part of the Experts drumming network of web sites. We are dedicated to providing information on new and used drum sets, snare drums, cymbals and percussion, for a variety of drumming types, concert band, symphonic band, jazz band, marching band and drum corps. We have history on Ludwig Drums, Slingerland Drums, Leedy Drums, Rogers Drums, Tama Drums, Sonor Drums, Pearl Drums, Gretsch Drums, Yamaha Drums

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